Sunday, March 11, 2012

Quieras patas frias y bebida ?! (Would you like fries and a drink)

Today was another day full of work! I finished another paper for my field studies class, and did the work for my presentation during the Germany trip. That only leaves one more paper for field studies, and I cannot complete this one until after my independent travels. Now I just have my joint paper for CEC and my critique for materials class and I will be done with all the papers!

I had to do an “emergency” load of laundry today, I realized that I would not have enough to get me through the entire Germany trip…while I was doing laundry I had a pretty well versed conversation with the security guard. (No I was not in trouble; you have to get tokens for the washing and drying machines from the security guard). Also did some technical work for the bridge design, actually made the detailed section cuts, plans, and perspectives of the final bridge design….ironically enough this one document needed to include all of the details!!!!

Had some McDonald’s tonight for dinner, it tasted exactly the same and the sales model is the same as well, I am starting to miss American burgers, oh well I am sure my week in Germany will get my mind off of it; time for sausages and bratwursts! Tomorrow our flight leaves from Barcelona at 6:25pm…we have to meet together at 3:30pm so we will be on time. Should be able to keep the blog going while I am away from Barcelona, so more to come! Ready for a change of scenery, Berlin here I come!!  

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