Friday, March 9, 2012

Why can't I have detail like that building!?

Studio, studio, studio,.....Jordi, Jordi, Jordi, detail, no detail, no detail! 

This lack of detail thing is driving me up the wall, in case you could not tell, our project feels so incomplete right now because I keep having to take stuff away! My biggest criticism from Jordi is that I think the project through too much...oh well, this weekend will consist of more changes to the project, more to come later!

In materials class today we visited the headquarters for the gas company here in Barcelona..."El Gas-Natural". The building is very complex in design and materialism, there really are no two perspectives of the building that are the same; every angle and corner is unique. Once again we were not allowed to actually go to the top of the building just the bottom floor and into the basement we there is a large auditorium. Every cool skyscraper has restricted access! While we were waiting on the representative from the building Ivan, our professor, bought us beers and sodas from a nearby cafe. It was an experience having a beer with a teacher...something that would not translate well culturally in America. 

Free-Friday tomorrow, so hopefully I can get a lot accomplished studio and paper wise! 

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