Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Parks, fountains, Valencia??? Oh my!

I think I have figured out how to make text larger...and most importantly upload photos much faster...thus allowing me to post more pictures!!!!! It is called Picasa! Picasa is another program by Google that allows me to manage the pictures on my computer into an online album...thus allowing me to streamline the process of uploading pictures to the blog...so from here on out I will hopefully be including more pictures...YAY!
I woke up this morning at 10:30 and went running on my new route! I actually got up and did it, I was pretty impressed with myself for actually following through with the run... I was, however, very sore from playing soccer last night, I made sure I stretched before and after playing last night and running today; I think I am sore simply because I have never ran so far…who knows? I had a decent brunch afterwards which consisted of eggs, toast (toasted in the pan) and cereal!
Today in our field studies class we walked to various university buildings around Barcelona. We visited the university library. This library was originally one of the substations for the water system in Barcelona…it held the water supply for one of Barcelona’s biggest parks (this park contains an extremely large fountain pictured below!). Then we visited a few parks/public spaces around the city…the parks are very beautiful.
After class I made dinner (calamari pasta again…it was delicious). 5 of us (3 girls and 2 guys) are taking a short weekend trip to Valencia, Spain beginning on Friday; we discussed the details of our trip…the cost of the bus fare to and from (52 euros), and the hostel stay (33 euros for two nights). Valencia is the supposed origin of paella…which is basically Spanish gumbo; there are many different variations of paella, although all varieties consist of a yellow rice base. From there paella can have vegetables, all kinds of seafood (usually shrimp/shellfish and mussels), and chicken. I have not had paella since I have been in Spain so it will be a real treat to experience it in its birthplace of Valencia. We also finalized some logistics on our hostel stay for Rome in two weeks…it is 36 euros for 3 nights. I am very excited for this weekend but I still have a few assignments to work on before it starts…
Nadal advanced to the next round in the Aussie Open (I knew he would haha) so did Roger Federer…more tennis matches to come…Nadal all the way!
 This is the arch de triumph...it is the sister to the arch in Paris, France...notice the similarities?!. It was built for the world expo here in Barcelona just like the Eiffel Tower was for the world expo in France!!!.
 Strange bird I saw in the park...I thought it was a crow...but upon further examination it seemed to be something different.
 Here is that huge fountain I was talking about above...it is one of the coolest fountains/water works I have ever seen.

 Close up of one of the griffin creatures that populate the fountain...astounding!
The main focus or pinnacle of the fountain...it was very extravagant.
 Close up of the "Gold" horse statue on top of the pinnacle of the fountain.
 Could not resist taking a picture of this duck in the fountain...
 Hallway to the entrance of the library...very intriguing...
One of the views from a public space/park we visited today.

Another park/public space that we visited
 This is the roof of the library...notice the basin that used to contain water when it was the supply for the large fountain pictured above!!!
This is an atrium that covers three university buildings...the one to the left (brown) contains offices, the one in the center (red/pink) contains more classrooms, and the one to the right (glass facade) contains study rooms and the dinning hall!

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