Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Double Day

Today we had both our Contemporary European City Class and Field studies class; Kathrin, our professor, will be traveling to Boston for a conference tomorrow so she moved class to today. It was a relatively long day because of this but as a reward we have no class tomorrow!

I have a lot of work that I can get ahead on tomorrow, I have 3 five page papers just for the Field studies class, a 15 page paper for Contemporary European City, and a 5 page paper for my materials class...then there is studio! Time is flying by and after doing the math (without counting the week in Germany) I really only have THREE FULL WEEKS left to get everything done. It is starting to become crunch time!

I had some down time on Monday after studio so I put together this short (3 minute) "movie" from the footage I tapped while I was hiking on Montserrat....I had to go to studio just to upload this video and it took me a little over an hour just to upload it; sooooooo I hope everyone enjoys it! haha. MAKE SURE THE VOLUME IS TURNED UP...the music adds to the effect!


  1. Cool video, the goats are crazy. Music is really cool I think I will download it now. See Ya! Dad & Mom

  2. Yea, I agree with bro, the music I think puts the whole video into another perspective. I had heard this song before but never knew the name of it so thanks for disclosing it in the credits. Sorry, I havent been on here in awhile. I am trying to catch up. Having school of my own and a little job compounded with some new health issues has not made for the best past 3 weeks. Anyway, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack. Have fun in Germany. Cant wait to swee those pictures.
