Thursday, February 16, 2012

I'm going to the real Spain...

Today was a great transition into my trip to Madrid and Toledo for the weekend, I did not have too much going on today. Studio was, however, painstakingly long…I actually had to “step out” early because I had errands to complete before my trip. We had different reviewers today and for some strange reason all of them felt the need to be extra long-winded with their criticisms. For next Thursday Jordi wants us to have a more concrete idea of how we are going to fit the programmatic elements of the “community center” into our design intervention; he said it is time to start thinking more architecturally and tectonically…this is the best part, time to design a bridge!!!!
My trip to Madrid and Toledo starts bright and early tomorrow morning at 5:30am! Our train leaves at 7:30am and I believe Kathrin wants us to be early/on time…it is going to be my second time on a bullet train. This time it should be even faster, this trip has no stops in between unlike my train ride to Valencia; so the train should be able to get to its maximum speeds. Normally the transit between Madrid and Barcelona is a little over 6 hours…but thanks to the swiftness of the “AVE” train that time will be whittled down to 2 hours!
Technically this will be my second time visiting Spain since some Spaniards consider Barcelona and Catalonia not “Spain” “Spain”…I will agree that there were some distinct differences between Barcelona and Valencia, in either event it is not ENGLISH!!  Hopefully we will get to see the royal palace…it would be my first time seeing something “royal” in person. Toledo was actually the old capital of Spain until it was moved to Spain; the city is not as old as Barcelona, but it does have a lot of medieval roots rich with Jewish and Arabic history. I had to prepare a short presentation on one of the sights we will be visiting while in Toledo…the Synagogue of “El Transito” and the Sephardi Museum.  This weekend should be pretty insightful, has anyone figured out how to say that German word yet?! I should be updating the blog throughout the weekend.
Hasta Luego.

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